Wearin' the Pants

I have the pleasure of watching my nephew a few times a month. Speaking with no bias, I can honestly say he is the cutest, smartest, most loving little three year old with the greatest personality. I took this picture with my cell phone last week. It was getting late, and I suggested he change into one of my t-shirts to get ready for bed. He decided that wearing just a t-shirt would not do, and started to look through my drawers for “bottoms.” I told him that I’m much bigger than him and that they wouldn’t fit. He said, “That’s okay,” and started to put on my scrubs. He also found my tool bag and had a blast playing with my mini drill/automatic screwdriver. This is how the lovely ensemble turned out. (That’s the back pocket that you can see up front)

Why have kids of my own when I can borrow this one?

23 thoughts on “Wearin' the Pants

  1. Okay, I’ll give you this kid is pretty damn cute! I like your remark about having children, it’s my thought exactly; as long as I’ve got “kid access” I’m good. My first time at your site, I likey. I’ll be back!

  2. Nice to hear someone agree that he’s cute! Very nice to meet you menopauseprincess! I look forward to seeing you around.

  3. I think borrowing kids is a great idea (especially when they’re so cute!). I wonder if it’s too late to put mine up for borrowing? They’re teens!

  4. He is very cute!! I feel the same way about my nieces and nephews..it also feeds the thought of why bother having any when I can just borrow them..plus when they get to be to much I can give them back.:)

  5. I love the line about why should you have kids of your own when you can borrow this one. That’s my boyfriend and I in a nutshell! Somebody’s got to NOT, right? Besides, there are plenty of those adorable little things running around that we can pour our affections onto, and I suspect that may be the very reason why I’m a Godmother twice over!

  6. I was happy to vote for your blog. It looks so nice (much better than my Lithuanian-English). However, I put just 9 because of the background color – the texts may be written well, but colors make hard to read.Ultimately, – congratulations. We are the friends.

  7. hehe – yes borrow – but if you have allready you have no chance to escape! But on the other side – there is fun too.

  8. Very cute. I try to push down on the top of my kids heads to keep them from growing up, but every day they’re taller! :)I don’t know why, but the scrubs and the cordless power tool… something about the combo is cute as heck.

  9. .mmmmm.. I wish I had thought of the borrowing thing…two late now my two have grownup and left the carnage behind…….

  10. hi wonderwoman, how have you been doing? you seem to be in a hiatus, i hope to see more of your posts soon, wishing you are ok always^^

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